Paulding, Ohio County Parks

Check Out Your County Parks

The Parks

Canal Park

Defiance, Ohio

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Cecil Bridge

Cecil, Ohio

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Five Span

Defiance, Ohio

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Flat Rock Trail Park

Paulding, Ohio

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Fort Brown Park

Oakwood, Ohio

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New Rochester

Cecil, Ohio

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About Your County Parks

Our Mission

To create, enhance, and protect the natural and cultural resources of Paulding County, to foster respect and stewardship of these resources, while providing quality outdoor recreational opportunities for Paulding County Citizens.

Our Vision

Dedicated to Acquiring, developing and preserving parks and recreational areas for the use and enjoyment of citizens of Paulding County Ohio and surrounding areas.

 The History of the Paulding County Park District

The Paulding County Commissioners created the Park District in 2003. It initally consisted of 80 acres of land in Crane Township and was later expanded by the court to included the entire geographic area of Paulding County. In December 2014 the court held a hearing to dissolve the Park District due to lack of activity.  However, the Court ordered a stay for a period of at least 10 months to allow the Commissioners and the interested members of the community to take action. 

Seeing a  notice in the Paulding Progress that this was going to happen, Linda Hodges stepped forward and volunteered to be on the board, as did a few others.  It was then reorganized and ratified in 2015.

Since this time, the volunteer board members have worked hard to grow the assests of the Park Board District as they recognize the value of parks in a community.

The History of Northwest Ohio

Paulding County played a major role in the history of Ohio.

We give credit and acknowledge our determined ancestors who were transformed the land, clearing it of forested swamps, developing trade and transportation routes, and creating trading posts that gave way to permanent villages and towns.

Discovering and exploring history is a rewarding, surprisingly addictive pastime. Citizens of Paulding County are extremely lucky to have access to a wealth of information, historical maps, documents, artifacts and genealogy resources due to the preservation efforts of the Paulding County Carnegie Library, the John Paulding Historical Society and History Matters on Facebook…visit them frequently.

Every visit to a park brings new things to see and discover! Its proven that time spent outside sparks creativity, reduces stress, increases physical and mental wellness and contributes to the livability of a community.

Visit a park today and see for yourself!

Go outside and play!